Monday, May 11, 2009


I feel it's controlling life.
I feel it's a social system we follow daily.
I feel it's stripped our freedom, and thrown it away in a little bag with no pity.
I feel it's intentionally making us hate it.
I feel it's indirectly saying, constantly 'we can't do it'
But afterall,
It's not about what I feel, it's about the continuous drag of amendments we must make in order to fulfill what IB feels.


  1. hohohohohoh. welcome to blogger!! :D:D
    ok. IB takes away my life so much so that i don't have the time to blog everyday like i used to :(

    i totally FEEEL you in this post!!!

  2. AHH KY no! you beat me to it! how cud you? lol, i wanted to be the first to comment
    hahaaa, onnella i like! :)
